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May 20, 2010 Creating a Mac-Type Background in Photoshop Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop. Create a Spectacular Grass Text . There are already been few posts on this topic but out of them most of the links.
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I have placed a “cut-out photo” on iWeb that shows the background cut out being transparent on How to make Photo Reflection Effect. Super Useful! . light painting - and shows you how you can paint text recreating this cool trend.
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The picture below shows the colored Background layer, and our perfectly fading and fade out the right side to make way for my great advertising copy. of the layer mask with black paint and add my ad copy using the text tool.
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Liquid text created in Photoshop looks super cool and it is surprisingly easy to . Sorry Moe, I figured out the liquid technique (still getting used to the new i can't make the layer between Glassy And Background to be like
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Sep 6, 2008 You will learn how to make a text follow into a path with the use of Once you download, Remove the background using Polygonal Lasso Tool (L). . poster out of this but i'm afraid that working in photoshop will make
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To get the text to blend in more with the background image set the Blending mode Be sure to check out some of our other Photoshop Elements tutorials.
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Monday, 03 May 2010 19:13 Monika Serkowska Photoshop Tutorials - Text Effects 3200px wide and 1800px high as we're planning to make it 16:9 wallpaper size . (from the Gradient Toll option Bar) and Gradient Editor window pops out.
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Aug 12, 2008 Create a Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop · Grass Text Effect . They're awesome wallpapers. I feel inspired to make some of my own. . Can u check this out – Wavy Blackberry Style Wallpaper…
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Making a text brush. Type out a short piece of text in black. (More on text in PS); Size matters some for this, so change the size of the text (and the
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But if you're hell-bent on using Photoshop to lay out text, However, when it comes to making selections from text, Or, if you already have the color chosen as your foreground or background color, you can select the text and
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Nice looking translucent glass type that'll work great on any background, made completely with layer styles. smooth glass 22 Best Photoshop Text Effect
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The lined background will make a very nice reflection effect in the chrome as we shall Now draw out a nice rectangle around the text to form a frame.
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Dec 8, 2009 To start off, lets create a brick-colored background. How to make 3D spectacular text effect in Photoshop . i had to google on how to do things kudos man thanks will check out more tutorials from you in the future
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8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 18, 2005When I make it in photoshop it comes out kinda pixelized. You have to figure out what color background the text will be on and
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How to Make an Object Stand Out From the Background in Photoshop. Using Curves Menu for Plastic Photoshop Text · How to Make a Romantic Background Layer
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Create a mother earth out of any girl with these abstract effects. Very unique frozen text effect. Looks very nice in black background projects. Its the classic dirty texture that you can use to make all your pictures a little
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Sep 5, 2007 Create text that looks like it was chipped out of a brick wall. Use this tutorial to make text look as if it emerged from a swamp. text32.jpg · Chrome Metal Effect Create text with a pixelated, mosaic background.
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(If you don't know what that means, you'll have figured it out by the time I . Reduce the opacity of the Screened as much as you can to make the text . Cool backgrounds, I make wallpapers such as the Battlestar Galactica one shown
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Nov 17, 2008 How to make brushed aluminum text and backgrounds in Photoshop . more highlight to around the text to help it stand out a little more.
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First before you start, be sure to check out my design course that shows I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS2 to design this logo. .. Let's make our initial text layer visible and see what we can do to integrate the symbol with the text. this over the dark blue'ish background that the bluelaguna.net has .
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Photoshop Text Effects). Clicks:122 | User Rating:0. Give your text a mosaic tile background . Grunge IPod design in Photoshop - Make a cool grungy ad or wallpaper . Check out our Privacy Policy Tutorial providers resources
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Oct 27, 2007 Type out some text and your image should look like the one below. To make the background transparent, click on the Background eyeball in
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Creating 3D Text Effects in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop & 3D Text Effects effect to make it seem to melt into or "pop out of" your website's background.
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Mar 24, 2010 First choose an image with a text overlay. 2. Second get out your clone You can create a duplicate image by dragging your background image (in the Make sure to reclick, and start over with your clone frequently,
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Mar 12, 2008 Part 1: Creating the Base and Background for the Reflective Text 8 ) Take the “Text Tool” (T) and write out some sample text using your font of choice. 16) Now let's decorate the text to make it look metallic.
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Oct 13, 2009 How to Make a Wallpaper in Photoshop:Design Your Own Background for Your Click the arrow next to styles box to choose style for text.
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Photoshop Tutorial: Transparent GIFs. Tools & Basics | Text Effects | Layout Click on the background layer and choose Select » All and press Delete. become grayed out in the preview, specifying the area to be set as transparent.
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This site may harm your computer.Go to Make cool background for picture now. Looking for Job? . arrows in . Type out your desired text into your Photoshop document, maybe this could be .
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Today we are going to make a wallpaper with a flower text effect using Illustrator and Photoshop. The PSD File for this tutorial can be found at the bottom
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Jan 25, 2010 Learn how to make text pop out of the background, add dust particles, and more! This tutorial has a wealth of pro Photoshop tricks.
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Make a selection around the text (Hold down Ctrl/CMD and click on the layer thumbnail) Here I added a gradient background to set it off.
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Making sure the foreground color on the toolbar is the color you wish for your text area, fill the layer. Filled Text Layer, Photoshop CS3
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Aug 14, 2007 The best Photoshop tutorials on the Web. Programming Tutorials here is to make the text stand out more against the black background.
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Create a "knock out" text effect in Photoshop by converting text to a Here we will tell you how to make website-background-text-effect in photoshop
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This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a cool background swirl effect for websites, twitter pages, etc. Learn how to make text pop out of the
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Learn how to create beautiful backgrounds using brushes in Photoshop. Make Make unique designs for postcards and ecards. Try out these great background ideas! Now enter the text as you want. Here it is "Become Someone' s Hero".
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Apr 26, 2009 Making this Photoshop CS4 tutorial an extremely clear how to on creating an This Photoshop CS4 tutorial starts with a background and some text, . But the link for the face out of the tree does not seem to work,
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Sep 9, 2008 There are thousands of Photoshop tutorials out there, This is another quick tutorial on how to make this text effect using This tutorial shows a way to apply the halftone effect to the background of your text.
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Learn how to make a Photoshop web template with this web design tutorial by Jennifer Apple. The border is just to balance out the design, so by all means make Fill this with your background color. Then, using the text tool and a
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Jun 6, 2008 Well, I'm here to show you how to make Killer Metallic Text and I'm STEP ONE – Creating a gradient background. To start out create a new
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In this video, Craig shows you how to find a wooden background online and then demonstrates how to Got any old t-shirts with worn out logos or text on them ? Everybody has their own version of how to make text with a neon glow.
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Jan 27, 2007 Make this layer whatever color you want your background to be. (I chose gray) Alternately, you could use a Cut out the center (Ctrl-x) You now have a frame. .. How to use gimp, Making fire text by scott rox
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Make sure that the foreground color is white and the background is black. How to Create Eroded Metal Text with Photoshop 270 Comments . Thanks! I used it for a title graphic in a music video! came out great!
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Prepare the background by creating a radial gradient from light to dark green. . digerati in step 16 to cut out the text - make sure the text is selected
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Sep 25, 2009 Signup now and get exclusive :) Find out more about the VIP Members Areas Now we want to make a space for our text and create some depth for the image. Ocean Text Effect with Lightning Background in Photoshop
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Jan 20, 2009 58. How to Make Patch on Clothes. Smoking Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials . Fantastic designs – I will have to try some of these out, . 50 Creatively Designed Twitter Backgrounds · 77 Latest Examples Of Creative
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Feb 29, 2008 Now we're going to make a really nice background for the text to go on. copy it to Photoshop and cut it out as best you can.
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You can make text stand out on a photo better by placing a solid color behind it that subtly fades into the background. This is easy to do in Photoshop
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Jun 4, 2010 Learn how to make text pop out of the . June 2 Birthdays Apr 26, 2009 . This Photoshop CS4 tutorial starts with a background and some text,
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Photoshop - Photo Effects, Designing, Drawing, Effects, Text Effects. Welcome in making a cool background along with a little bit of logo making practice cut out the hair and represent the background out of the old wallpapers.
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How To Create Any Picture Out Of Text Using Adobe Photoshop. 02:32 Tutorial: How To Make An Abstract Sig In Adobe Photoshop CS2 09:16
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Make Money with Photoshop. Join our mailing list to receive the Now we need to "punch" the text through to the background layer. We can overcome this by adding a little stroke color around the word to bring it out a bit.
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Select a big ol' chunk of text out of the middle somewhere and copy it to the clipboard. Fill the layer with the color you used for the background text and On the middle text layer make sure preserve transparency is off and
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5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 27It will bring out the best in an image while keeping the original photo intact. Music Logo on a Grunge Background with Photoshop In this tutorial, the author shows you how to make a neat grungy photo effect using The awesome grungy text effect can be used to liven up your website layouts
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Mar 31, 2009 But spent a bunch of time trying to figure out why my gradient was solid white. .. 55 Photoshop Tutorials To Make Dreamy & Professional Background To Creating Text Effects Using Photoshop and Tutorial Collections
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It's easy to put text on a monotone background and have it stand out. just make a new layer in Adobe Photoshop, select a rectangular area,
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Oct 26, 2008 Stretch the box out using the text tool until it expands beyond the .. I can' t make it work, maybe cause I am not using font text in the
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Learn how to place an image in text in Photoshop with this Photoshop Let's fill it with white so it will appear as a white background after at the top of the dialog box, then click OK to exit out of the dialog box: To make sure we can see our text, click on "Layer 1" in the Layers palette to select it.
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You can make text stand out on a photo better by placing a solid color behind it that subtly fades into the background. This is easy to do in Photoshop
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Nov 8, 2009 Step 7 – Create Background Text Effect. Make merged words layer visible again You can check out my portfolio and follow me on Twitter
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Jun 11, 2008 Set your foreground and background colors to black and white. . The lines are starting to make sense on the field, but let's try to blend them even more so font sites out there, one of my favorites is www.dafont.com. Now click anywhere on the field itself with the text tool still selected
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Search engine terms: adobe photoshop 7 extract image from background, how to extract image from background cs5, photoshop cs5 remove background from text,
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I have a text logo in TIFF form and I need to take the white background out of it. point out that Photoshop is NOT the best place for creating or editing text. But if you have to do this in Photoshop, make sure you have no
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8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 18, 2009To get OUT of the EDIT text mode, click the check box on the tool can use the background box (colored rectangle) to make other effects.
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Step 12: Creating the Background Shape in Photoshop. To make the tag line and section of the shape so that the text "Web Design" continues to stand out.
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Oct 5, 2008 Magazine or Website Text Effect with Background free Photoshop tutorial Just check it out in full size, it's a pretty cool effect you could Blur, Sharpen ) and other tricks that will make you a text effect master!
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10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 27, 2008I'm trying to create a logo - consisiting of text that is smaller circle coloured white inside this one to hollow it out; And if you save it as an image, then the background defaults to white, so you can't blend in new text to . but I can help you in making a unfilled circle in photoshop.
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There are a number of amazing tutorials out there that teach you how to Colorized text effect in photoshop. Make new background with gradient effect.
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Jump to Making Text As If It Was Cut Out Of The.: I have a black background and want to make a white text which looks like if if was cut out of
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This photoshop tutorial will teach you to make use of blending options and brush to create a cool text effect on background image.
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Sep 5, 2008 By default the Background layer in any new Photoshop document is locked, . To make the stitches a little more realistic lets go ahead and add a few Check out the .PSD download to view all my final adjustments!
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A Photoshop 911 forum question was how to make a photo break out of the frame. Removing Backgrounds From Photoshop 911 Forums: "I want to replace white Photoshop: Text Mask to Embossed Watermark for Photos. Photoshop Madness
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Aug 25, 2009 Now we want to fade out all the loose ens from the text. So first select the layer mask you created then make sure the foreground color is
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Photoshop CS2 & CS3 tutorials, Photoshop text tutorials, Photoshop CS Here's a list of useful guides and tips on making the most out of the 3D Up to your preference, if you want to make the background a little more purple.
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Six Font Styles that Make Text Stand Out. It's easy to put text on a monotone background and have it stand out. However, when the background is
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The Best 80 Photoshop Text Effects on the Web · » Papercraft Text Effect · » Newest text efefcts Most Popular Textures and backgrounds Photoshop Tutorials Learn how to make some grungy texture with dirt and scratches.
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Second, a CR with a transparent background for placement over a video clip. In Photoshop you can easily make Credit Rolls and Text Crawls (see below In the Viewer window 'video' tab drag the out point to set your new duration.
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I can increase the size of a font and make it bold so that it stands out, or I can make it Then I'm going to add the text Tutorial9 Staff (Century Gothic / 24px After learning all of the tools in Photoshop you will find yourself
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Create your own realistic newspaper article, tear it out, and stick it to your site! Photoshop : How to make text effect How to make text effect a Photoshop Tutorial : Make a bullet background Make, normally you use
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Now you need to decide on the colors --if you are using black text on the To fill a table cell with a gradient background make the image the width of the If you'd rather have a plain colored background with texture check out the
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Outlining Text Give your Photoshop text a nice, subtle outline effect. Nice for making text stand out on a colored background.
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4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 27, 2007Now that the image is at 700%, make sure your polygonal lasso tool is selected again. The vector mask automatically knocks out the background and .. Photoshop Tutorial: Jungle Style Text Effect - nice text effect
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Jump to Making an Existing Background Transparent: In the Name text box, verify that it reads Layer 0. NOTE: Do not make changes to the Opacity
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Oct 29, 2008 But the problem is that I need to attach the text to a image, and the text is a flat image with black background. How can I make it
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Jan 26, 2010 I thank you teaching us how to make wallpaper. 40 Extraordinary Photoshop Text Effects « Web Development News says:
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Feb 28, 2007 TutorialBlog.org - Here we dug out the best grunge techniques and resources to help you master Grunge Border – Make a grungey border in photoshop to frame your images Grunge Background – Create this grunge background in photoshop Social Media, Software, Text effects, twitter, Typography
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Mar 3, 2009 You can make several changes to the design of your collage from the Content palette. Select a new background for the collage, and click Apply. You can also add text to the collage from the Content palette. If you enjoyed this tutorial, check out these other resources to help get you
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Jun 13, 2010 Photoshop Text Effect, Special that you can use to create to figure tile background out of nearly any image using adobe Photoshop. Use Photoshop to make transparent backgrounds and other transparency effects.
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Apr 3, 2008 Learn to magically make text wave and glow out of a magician's hat. Lighting Effect Zee in Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Rainbows,
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Adobe Photoshop - Exploding Text tutorial · Exploding Text With this tutorial you can make a light burst on your text. Makes it look like it is going to
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Continue to read this article to find out how. You don't have to render each heading with Photoshop. Literally, you can apply this trick on any solid background color (as long your gradient color is the same as your background this can also be used as a simple trick to make the text non-selectable.
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How to Make an Object Stand Out From the Background in Photoshop. Using Curves Menu for Plastic Photoshop Text · How to Make a Romantic Background Layer
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