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Jan 9, 2010 You now have a transparent background. Save the image as a .PNG, .TIFF, .GIF, or .PSD. These formats support transparency. Tags: photoshop
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Learn how to Make Transparent Backgrounds Using Photoshop Elements from the world's most comprehensive library of free factual video content online.
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9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 4, 2005Help needed transparent backgrounds in photoshop 7. I'm tryng to make a background transparent using Photoshop 7, but I can't do it as I
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For more details on how to create transparent backgrounds in Photoshop, or how to remove backgrounds from images, check out this site that contains details
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Saving graphics with transparent backgrounds is beneficial for reducing file size Create a new image in Photoshop and specify a transparent background:
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Oct 4, 2007 magic wand tool, layer mask, edge tool: Hi Michelle, Thanks for your question. I previously answered a very similar question on Oct 3, 2007.
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18 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jun 16, 2006[Archive] How to get a transparent background in InDesign from Native Photoshop files are just fine in InDesign for our prepress. So
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Sep 15, 2007 ive got a 3 color vector graphic logo that needs to have a transparent background for print. i save it as .tiff and open it in photoshop.
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The Anti-aliasedcheckbox tells Photoshop that, when rasterizing the By tagging the white regions of our image as transparent, the background image of
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Dec 20, 2007 I have photoshop cs3 and i habe a bar that i designed with a I don't think jpegs can be transparent. try a PSD or a GIF JPEGs don't support
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Jump to Making an Existing Background Transparent: The background (or selected area) becomes transparent. OPTIONAL: If the image has a multicolored
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13 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Nov 25, 2009Transparent backgrounds for use on webpages and other things are not truly transparent as in NO background like in a PhotoShop file.
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4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 1, 2002Is it possible to set a transparent backgound in the color palette and if so how , and if not, how can I get a transparent backgroun when I
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3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 10Hey! So I suppose the title says it, but how to I get a transparent background after doing a spot color separation in photoshop?
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May 28, 2007 Finally, I save the image using Photoshop's PNG-24 setting, enabling transparency . They used a white symbol on a transparent background,
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Im a user of Photoshop V7 since it was launched, but now i saw some nice features in their CS2 release and I'll like to try it, but there is an issue:
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Adobe Photoshop CS4| Not your version? View Help PDF ( 29MB) Change pixels to transparent with the Background Eraser tool. The Background Eraser tool
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When you extract the object, Photoshop erases its background to transparency. To display a transparent background, choose None.
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10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 27, 2005Graphics: Transparent background problem - Get tips and advice on this that you had some form of Photoshop. The best method is probably
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9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Aug 29, 2008How can I make all the white in the image transparent, so it will go against a background? I am using Adobe Photoshop.
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Learn how to create a transparent background in Photoshop. Check our Photoshop tutorial.
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Use Photoshop to make transparent backgrounds and other transparency effects.
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Mar 28, 2008 Hi Folks, Im using Photoshop CS3 and im trying to save some images with a transparent background so that I can import them into other files
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15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jun 16, 2008hi, How to change a logo to transparent background for PhotoShop in a quick way? many thanks and rep. add if someone can help me. Walllace.
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i have a question about photoshop CS. i have it and i want to make an image have a transparent background so i can put it on another image or a background.
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Photoshop Tutorial: Transparent GIFs properly prepared with an alpha channel or against a transparent background, you can also use File » Save For Web.
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Dec 1, 2007 One final thing, if you're using PNGs to give an element a single colour but semi-transparent background, don't use a 1×1 pixel image else
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10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 23, 2003Problems with transparent backgrounds Adobe Photoshop Elements.
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Transparent GIFs will allow the background color or texture of your website to show through the areas that you define as transparent. Version 6 of Photoshop
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8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 9, 2009I need a way to make a semi transparent background for the text Photoshop, create a layer (text layer) on top of the background layer.
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This article explains how to create an image that has a transparent background and then retain the transparent background when you insert the image into
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An image clipping path lets you "clip" out the foreground object and make everything else (the background) transparent -- so, you must use image clipping
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Aug 4, 2008 Once you've isolated your logo on a transparent background, you can easily apply a wide range of Photoshop effects. In the example below,
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See Photoshop help to read more. Create a Transparent Image using Adobe Now select the background area of the image (the area you wish to remove).
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Apr 24, 2010 Okay, I am designing a website for a shop I used to work at, and I created a logo with a transparent background.
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Photoshop Transparency. Creating images with transparent backgrounds serves a number of uses - in particular, it enables you to put such an image over any
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4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 3, 2005Transparent backgrounds in Photoshop files Images. FWIW, Photoshop files with transparent backgrounds work in InDesign.
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To make a transparent GIF, first, you take away the background of the image. Photoshop is pixel-based. In GIF, pixels are either on or off.
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5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 21, 2007Keeping the background transparent. - This forum is for those who are new to Adobe Photoshop, or are using Photoshop Elements.
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Create transparent backgrounds in Photoshop Elements |► Bill Myers shows how to quickly extract an image and paste it on a transparent background in
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Looking for a semi-transparent background image for your site design? Follow the tutorial I wrote for Adobe Photoshop 7 below and make one yourself in
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Jan 8, 2009 Do you want to learn how to remove backgrounds from images using Photoshop? This article explains in simple-to-follow steps exactly how to
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Jun 25, 2001 Background is the color of the background layer you have in your original Photoshop file. However, if you want to create a transparent GIF,
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Oct 27, 2007 This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a text layer on top of a transparent background. The method is easy and the tutorial
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Aug 31, 2008 I actually created this pattern a while ago to match the checkered pattern you see when you have a transparent background in Photoshop,
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3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 16, 2009I have saved a image (as a BMP file) with a transparent background. I want to use this image as my wallpaper. However when I show this image
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Dec 3, 2004 5 Great Background Masking Techniques in Photoshop .. paint around the edges with a grey airbrush to make the edges a little transparent.
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Dec 8, 2007 Suppose you need an image with a transparent background for your Photoshop Elements Help files recommend using the background eraser.
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10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Sep 16, 2006I am having Photoshop 6.0 and I am a beginner. I want to know how to make a transparent background I have made a logo with white backgrnd.
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Working with Transparent Images. Transparency From Here to There · Removing Backgrounds and Maintaining Transparency. Related Articles. Photoshop Elements
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I spent an hour erasing the background of a photo to make it transparent, in the hope that I could superimpose it onto another background. I saved the imag.
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewYour browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.The web support transparent backgrounds using the GIF file format. 1) Convert to index color in Photoshop. a) IMAGE > MODE > RGB (if not the current mode)
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How to Make an Image with a Transparent Background in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Adobe Photoshop Elements is similar to the full version in a lot of ways,
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3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 7, 2003How do you make a background color transparent in Photoshop? I' ve been reading about it in Photoshop help area and been playing until I' m
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Feb 1, 2007 Transparent Signature—Clear Background Most image editors—including Adobe Photoshop—offer tools to remove backgrounds.
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Some projects might require you to create a Photoshop transparent background. The way you do this depends on whether you have started your project or not.
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Mar 31, 2003 Photoshop Tip 3: Transparent PNGs. opaque GIF with a white background, into a transparent PNG that blends smoothly with any background.
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How to make transparent background photoshop at Web Informer. How to make Jewelry for Everyone, Learn How To Make Money Online At The Keyword Academy,
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Aug 14, 2006 Obviously looking all over MySpace and other places, I see that you When you START your design, go to image set-up and select transparent
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Dec 17, 2007 If you haven't noticed or cleared your Internet cache in a while, I have been working on some new logo concepts for the site.
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8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Oct 13, 2009how to make transparent backgrounds without photoshop? tutorial or someone could tell me how to make the image's background transparent,
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Jun 25, 2008 Create a Transparent Background With Photoshop. June 25, 2008 by Leslie. Here's an easy way to remove the white background on a scan of a
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Ever wanted an image on your site with the background to be gone, and the image to blend smoothly on your site? Well now you can. Just follow this tutorial,
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Feb 27, 2009 For this example I created (File | New) a new file in Photoshop with a transparent background. Using Photoshop's shape tool, just draw any
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5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2009I type the W (the W is my logo) in Photoshop on a transparent background, give it a orange color and save it as and EPS file (with vector
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Apr 2, 2009 A common task that many designers need to perform in Photoshop is the removing of a background from an image. ()
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Apr 12, 2001 Photoshop Image with transparent background. The process is basically the same. You will use this approach when you have titles, art, logos,
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Aug 27, 2006 To create the PNG “frame”, I hid the Background layer by Fun with Transparent PNG Images | Effects, Tutorials, Web | Photoshop Lab []
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You will need to upload your new semi-transparent background to the Internet. So if I uploaded my background to www.my-photoshop.com, my background URL
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Oct 19, 2007 Save the image in a format that supports transparent backgrounds. I would love to know how to do it without Photoshop.. :)
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10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Nov 26, 2009Making background transparent Elements for Beginners. General Elements Discussion, Photoshop Elements 6/7/8 Questions and Answers
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7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 24, 2008I created a JPG with Photoshop CS2 as seen at the following URL: JPGs don't support transparent backgrounds - only GIFs and PNGs.
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6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 6, 2007Make background transparent Photoshop Basics. Planet Photoshop drama. isnt that the sweetest thing. Little-erik. View Public Profile
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Photoshop Basics: Saving a File with Transparent Background. This is just a simple tutorial on how to save your images with transparency.
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10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 2, 2009The transparent layer is a checkered background in photoshop. You can see this checkered background in the image to the left.
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Mar 1, 2007 In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to cut images and place them on a transparent background. This is a great tutorial for
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Jan 4, 2006 Dear Photoshop 911, I would list to set the background of a JPEG file to be transparent? I'm building my website in Photoshop and I need to
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Apr 15, 2010 In this tutorial you will learn how to create Background images with Photoshop: 3d backgrounds, transparent background and, of course,
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10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 19, 2007Here is another tutorial called "How to Create a Transparent Background in Photoshop", but it's only one method to do this.
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There are many options in Photoshop and other Image Manipulation software to create transparent background, like: Extract Filter, Magic Wand, Quick Mask,
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What is the easiest way in Photoshop to make the white background transparent? I have been playing around with the magic wand and selecting the background,
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7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 16press and hold alt/option key, double click the layer that is a locked " background", then anything you delete becomes transparent.
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May 12, 2005 This is a brief but detailed tutorial on using Adobe® Photoshop® to simple process of turning a single background color transparent.
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Sep 8, 2007 This photoshop tutorial will teach you how to create transparent images using PNG, these images can be used on every background color.
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How to master transparency with our Photoshop plugin. Transparency and transparent images, like gifs with transparent backgrounds, has never been easier to
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