General Forms
Park – Family/Guest Registration
Landlord/Tenant Form Information
Attention Landlords: you must complete the Landlord/Tenant form to allow your renters to use the park.
Please note that a form must be filled out each year for each rental family and/or for renter changes. Thank you.
Any lot that is rented by a member to a tenant cannot provide privilege to both the owner and the renter at the same time. The landlord reserves the right to determine whether the owner or the renter has park privileges.
Every property owner renting or leasing their property in Paradise Estates must fill out a form for each rental and keep it current.
Any damage caused by renters to any PSA property will be the responsibility of the landlord. The annual dues and any special assessments are the property owner’s responsibility.
Watercraft Registration Form Information
Be sure to read the marina rules before signing the watercraft registration form and submitting it.
Please note that a form must be filled out each year for each watercraft. Checks (made out to PSA) are preferred for seasonal moorage fee, but cash will be accepted for $25 daily rate and $25 seasonal launch fee.
Marina Season: April 1 – October 31
Completely fill out the form including the Washington State boat registration number before submitting your form along with your payment (per watercraft) to the PSA caretaker.
One slip can be purchased from March 15 – April 14. Additional slips can be purchased April 15 throughout the season. Slips are available on a first come, first serve basis and there is a “NO HOLD” policy.
Thanks for your cooperation and assistance.
Seasonal Kayak Application Form